Frequently Asked Questions about Vanuatu Dealer's in Securities License

Some key characteristics of the Vanuatu Foreign exchange Business License include but are not limited to the very low costs compared to most regulated jurisdictions, the recognition it receives on an international level for its efforts in combating money laundering (important if later the broker will apply for a license with another jurisdiction), the swift adaptation in controlling and supervising uninterrupted relative to the increase in demand for its forex licenses, the favorable tax conditions (no tax on profit or capital gains).

If you have an Institutional business as a network and operate through a forex IB or White Label program, jurisdictions like Vanuatu are a great option to start your own brokerage, before moving forward into more complex and expensive alternatives. Unlike working unregulated, Vanuatu will provide comfort to your clients who need a regulated broker to support their trading needs.

Each beneficial owner, shareholder, director, authorized signatory and secretary must provide:

- CV of the director/shareholder dated and signed, showing at least 5 years on related experience in fund management securities and investment

- A notarized KYC documents (ex. utility bill that is not older than 3 months) (an English translation of the certification)

- Independent references confirming CV and showing at least 5 years on related experience in fund management securities and investment (x2)

- Criminal record from the native country of the applicant and notarized translation of it into English (if needed)

- Notarized copies of university Diplomas in English, certified transcripts

- A second ID of the shareholder(s) / director(s)

- Professional letter / bank reference on director / shareholder (x2)

- Bank statement proving the source of funds

Businesses also need the documents for Account Opening and AML officer (Details in the Requirements tab)

Approximately 4-6 months from the date when all relevant documents are received from the client for both licenses

With Foreign Exchange License in Vanuatu, Businesses can be accepted by all clients in the world. Moreover, businesses can be advertising their services & products in any way it might be deemed appropriate for it under the circumstances