Company Redomiciliation

Redomiciliation is the transfer of the company from one jurisdiction to another. In our world of constantly changing legislation, many non-resident companies would like to relocate their existing company to jurisdictions with less demanding requirements or better tax planning opportunities.

While it may be simpler to shut down a company and start a new one elsewhere, often the existing company’s portfolio presents for many business people considerable value. Redomiciliation allows the company to keep its asset portfolio, existing name, bank account, corporate structure and business contracts. Only the company’s registered address will be changed to a different country.

Many offshore jurisdictions accept redomiciliation from other countries, provided that those countries’ legislation allow redomiciliation. The most popular jurisdictions to redomicile non-resident companies to are:

  • BVI

As for redomiciliation to European countries, only a few member states support such relocation. The most flexible to redomicile are:


Please consult with us to discover the best solution for redomiciliation of your company.