Company Registration in Poland

Poland is strategically located in the heart of Europe, which makes it a perfect investment location for companies wishing to export their products both to the East and to the West. It is also considered to be one of the most economically-stable and one of the fastest-developing countries in the world. Poland has earned the reputation of a conducive country to do business in due to attractive tax rates, EU membership, perfect location, friendly business environment, world-class infrastructure. 

  • Limited Liability Company (Sp. z .o.o) 
  • Joint Stock Company (S.A.)
  • Limited Partnership
  • Limited Joint Stock Partnership

Poland company is ideal for:

Trading & Commercial activities
Information and Communications Technologies
Holding Company

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General Information for Limited liability company (Sp. z .o.o) 
Corporate Income Tax

19% - standard rate 

9% - reduced rate for businesses with less than EUR 2M revenue (or equivalent PLN)

0% - for profit retention

A minimum share capital

5,000 PLN 

Double Tax Treaty Access


Incorporation Time Frame (Approx., days)


Minimum Number of Shareholders


Minimum Number of Directors


Local Requirements
Registered Office


Company Secretary


Local Meetings


Local Directors / Shareholders


Publicly Accessible Records


Annual Requirements
Financial Statement


General Shareholders’ Meeting

Yes, shall be held within six months of the end of each financial year 

Cost of Company Formation in Poland


€ 2500

Polish Company Services Fees

  • Done within 5-7 working days
  • 100% successful rate
  • Fast, easy & highest confidential via secured systems
  • Dedicated support (24/7)
  • Just Order, We Do All For You