Company Formation in Scotland

Scotland is the northern section of the United Kingdom that is leading global financial and business centre and an important jurisdiction for international tax planning. Scotland provides the possibility to incorporate and use companies with zero tax rate - LP (Limited Partnership).

Scottish LP (Limited Partnership) is similar in structure to the LLP. Feature is the fact that the company itself does not pay income tax if its members are non-residents of the UK, every year it is necessary to take only a short Tax Return. Since the company does not pay taxes in the UK, it does not have resident status. Moreover, such legal entity is free to engage in activities outside the UK.

A Scotland LP company is a privately owned Limited Partnership with 2 or more persons or corporate bodies being the Partners/Members of the LP.

One of the main advantages of LPs is that, provided they do not take part in the management of the LP, the liability of each of the limited partners is capped at the amount of its contribution to the LP, which means that limited partners benefit from the same limited liability status as shareholders in a limited company.

LPs are broadly transparent for UK direct tax purposes and are not treated as separate taxable entities by HMRC. UK tax residents who are partners in LPs are directly assessed to tax on their share of the income or gains of the LP and therefore are not subject to multiple layers of UK taxation. 

Partners who are not UK resident or ordinarily resident will only pay UK tax on UK source income, including their share of profits arising in the UK if the partnership carries on a trade in the UK.

There are no requirement for filing the accounts.
Nominee service is allowed.

Scottish company is ideal for:

Information Technologies
Research and Development
Innovation Centres

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General Information for Scottish Limited Liability Company
Corporate Income Tax


*Providing that the partnership does not trade in the UK and partners are not residents of the UK

Double Tax Treaty Access


Minimum Share Capital

There is no minimum share capital requirement

Incorporation Time Frame (Approx., days)

3 working days + delivery of the hard copies by the courier

Minimum Number of Shareholders

Minimum number of shareholders is two. One general partner and the second – limited.

Minimum Number of Directors

Not applicable.

There must be two members (shareholders) of the company. One general partner and the second – limited.

Local Requirements
Registered Address



Not applicable

Local Meetings


Local Directors / Shareholders


Publicly Accessible Records


Annual Requirements
Annual Report

Not required

Tax Return


Audited Accounts

Not required

Cost of Company Formation in Scotland


€ 1290

Scottish Company Services Fees

  • Done within 3 working days
  • 100% successful rate
  • Fast, easy & highest confidential via secured systems
  • Dedicated support (24/7)
  • Just Order, We Do All For You