Frequently Asked Questions about Vanuatu company formation

If all documents are in order company incorporation process usually takes approximately 5 working days.  

The main advantages of Vanuatu offshore company:

  • 100% foreign ownership allowed
  • 0% corporate tax
  • No specific paid up capital requirements 
  • Vanuatu does not have party in any double taxation treaty with another country
  • Annual local meetings not required
  • No annual audit / financial statement requirements 
  • Directors and shareholders can be both natural persons (of any nationality) or corporate entities
  • No exchange controls in Vanuatu

No, local directors or shareholders are required. Vanuatu company can be fully owned by the foreigners.

Yes, directors and shareholders can be both natural persons or corporate entities. If a company has a corporate director, then there must also be a natural person who is a director.

Details of beneficiaries, shareholders, directors of a Vanuatu offshore company are not publicly disclosed. 

Yes, the tax rate is 0%. 

The smallest possible number of shares in a company is one. Any number of shares, however, can be issued for any price since there is no longer authorised capital, par values or partly paid shares. When a company is to be formed, the intending shareholders decide how many shares should be issued and for what price. Shareholders pay for their shares in full on incorporation of the company – by cash or cheque or sometimes by delivery of an item of recognised equivalent value such as a motor vehicle. The price payable for the shares is generally dependent on the money the company will need to establish its business.

Vanuatu companies must be renewed every year by submitting the annual return and paying the government fee. Renewal is due anniversary date. There are no annual return filing dates in December or January due to the holiday season. If your company incorporated in December, then the annual return filing date will be November. If your company incorporated in January, your filing date will be in February.