Frequently Asked Questions about company formation in Malta

Yes, this is possible. A company set up in Malta can carry out different types of trading activities as well as hold investments, provided that the company is permitted to do so in terms of its objects clauses in the Memorandum and Articles of Association. The only restriction applies when the company is fully owned by one shareholder i.e. in the case of a single member company. In this case, the activities of the company will be restricted to one.

The minimum share capital is of €1,200 which has to be 20% paid up. This can be increased at any time after the incorporation of the company, but cannot fall below the minimum threshold. The share capital of the company can be denominated in any currency. The audited financial statements will then be prepared in the same currency and tax will also be paid in the same currency in which the company’s share capital is denominated.

Confidentiality is possible if you use the nominee services. FF Advisers is in a position to provide you this service. The names of the beneficial owners will not be divulged, neither to the public nor to the Registry of Companies and Maltese tax authorities, except in certain serious circumstances that would warrant disclosure.

Malta offers various forms of partnerships and limited liability companies:

  • Public (plc);
  • Private (Ltd). Partnerships
  • en commandite the capital of which is divided into shares
  • en commandite the capital of which is not divided into shares;
  • en nom collectif

The procedure to set up a company in Malta is very straight forward and it only takes five working days for it to be set up. We would require all due diligence documents on behalf of the shareholders of the company including copies of passports, bank and professional references and recent utility bills.  Non-residents (both companies and individuals) can set up companies in Malta and there are no restrictions on nationality and residence.