Required documents and data for Seychelles Securities Dealer License


When dealing with an application, the Authority will not grant a licence unless it is satisfied that the applicant:

  1. Is a company incorporated under the Companies Act or under the laws of Seychelles;
  2. Has at least 2 natural person appointed as directors;
  3. Employs at least one individual who is licensed as a representative;
  4. Has a minimum paid-up capital of US$ 50,000;
  5. Complies with the insurance requirement;
  6. Satisfies the Authority that relevant persons meet a 'fit and proper';
  7. Will be able, if licensed, to comply with any financial resources regulations that may apply to it;
  8. Has specified premises that are suitable for keeping records or other documents;
  9. The Securities Dealer Licence is valid for a period of one year and must be renewed annually. 


When considering the fitness and propriety of the applicant the FSA shall have regard to the applicant’s:

  • financial status;
  • educational or other qualifications or experience having regard to the nature of the application;
  • ability to perform the proposed function competently, honestly and fairly;
  • reputation, character, financial integrity and reliability;
  • satisfactory completion of any examination requirements prescribed by the Authority.


For individuals:

  • Notarized KYC documents of each shareholder, beneficial owner and director not older than 3 months in English. If it’s not in English, a certified translation is required; 
  • Two professional reference letters; 
  • Tax compliance certificate; 
  • Resume (CV) for each shareholder, beneficial owner and director; 
  • Information of relevant background and experience of applicants.

For legal entities:

  • Certificate of incorporation; 
  • Memorandum and articles of association or equivalent; 
  • Corporate registries; 
  • Certificate of good standing if the company is older than 1 year; 
  • Audited Accounts if the company is older than two years; 
  • Due diligence Documents for the individuals behind the company.


  • A cover letter signed by the applicant or the agent of the applicant; 
  • Completed application forms; 
  • Certified true copies of the constitutional documents of the applicant; 
  • Personal questionnaire forms completed by each Director, Securities dealer representative applicants, Compliance Officer and key individuals of the application; 
  • Questionnaire form for Shareholders and Beneficial Owners completed by each shareholder and beneficial owner that hold no management position in the proposed Securities Dealer; 
  • Audited Financial Statements of the applicant for the past 2 years except in the case of an applicant who was incorporated within the last 12 months; 
  • The last Audited Financial Statements of the controlling owners of the applicant if the controlling owner is a non-individual;
  • Proof of source of wealth and source of funds (bank statement showing at least US$ 50 000 in deposit);
  • Proof of Physical Office and registered address; 
  • The Representative Licence Application Form completed by each prospective representative; 
  • Notice of place at which the Register of Securities is to be kept; 
  • A copy of the insurance quotation (appropriate to the proposed nature and size of the business) of the applicant; 
  • A detailed Business Plan; 
  • Internal Operations Manual; 
  • Client Service Agreement or Terms of Business; 
  • Conflict of Interest Policy; 
  • Compliance Manual; 
  • Anti Money Laundering Manual; 
  • Complaints Handling Manual; 
  • Business Continuity Plan. 


  • If documents are not in English language or language of particular country, then they must be accompanied by a notarized translation.
  • Additional documents may be requested by the Regulator at its discretion. 

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