Frequently Asked Questions about Curacao Gaming License 

Curacao gaming license is one of the most well-known licenses for a reason. Here are some of the advantages of this license:

- license obtaining process is quick and relatively simple

- relatively low operational costs 

- license covers all types of gambling activities 

- favourable tax environment

- crypto payments can be accepted

- allows buying a software from leading manufacturers

Mostly yes, except for players from the USA, France, Australia, the Netherlands, and Curacao itself. Otherwise, the gaming company risks losing its license. 

A company must be set up in Curacao. A resident director or a local registered agent must be appointed. Moreover, it is required to appoint a local Anti Money Laundering Officer. Finally, it is necessary to maintain all servers and hosting in Curacao.

It is required to appoint a resident managing director or appoint a local registered agent who will represent the company in Curacao. 

Income tax rate is 2%, income tax is charged from the net profit. In addition, there is a sales tax of 6%.

The licensing process usually takes around 2-3 months if all the documents are in order. Application timeframe will depend on the complexity of ownership structure, commercial proposition, and cooperation of the related parties since the application process runs in close collaboration with an applicant.

It is not necessary to visit Curacao as the licensing process if fully remote.

Both licenses cover all kinds of gambling activities, however, a holder of the master license is authorised to issue sub-licenses. 

The government has not issued new master licenses for almost 20 years and it is nearly impossible to obtain this type of license in Curacao. There are currently only 4 Curacao Master License Holders and therefore all interested operators apply for a sub-license. Each master license holder has its own policies and requirements and we can assist you in this complex license obtaining process.

Master licenses are issued for a standard 5 year period. The the sub-licenses are tied to their master license holder and are valid as long as their master license remains valid.