Frequently Asked Questions about Marshall Islands company formation

The minimum paid-up capital for an offshore company in Marshall Island is USD 1.

The minimum paid-up capital for an offshore company in Marshall Island is USD $50,000.

The different types of taxes exempted in the Marshall Islands include:
● Corporate tax
● Dividend tax
● Capital Gains tax
● Inheritance tax
● Stamp duty

This certification is necessary to formally enable the usage of the corporate documents worldwide. Documents issued and notarized in one country are generally acceptable only locally. To make an official document legally acceptable abroad, the second-tier certification – the Apostille – must be obtained. Without Apostille there will be little use of the documents of an offshore company, as soon as they are outside its country of incorporation.

This Certificate is issued by the Company Registry to verify that a company or a corporation actually exists, has paid all its statutory dues, has met all filing requirements and, therefore, is authorized to transact business.

The annual renewal fees are the annually recurring government and professional fees that you would pay in order to continue and maintain your offshore company in good legal standing as per the laws of the state of registration, for as long as the company continues operations.