Frequently Asked Questions about Poland company registration

Yes, there are no restrictions as to registration limited liability companies in Poland.

The main types of companies in Poland are Limited Liability Company, Joint-Stock Company, Limited Partnership, Limited Joint Stock Partnership.

Yes, it is mandatory for all companies in Poland to have a registered office within the country.

For the limited liability company the capital requirements are minimum 5,000 PLN which is approx. 1100 EUR. 

The corporate income tax rates are:

19% - standard rate

9% - reduced rate for businesses with less than EUR 2M revenue (or equivalent PLN)

0% - for profit retention

If all the documents are in order the company incorporation process will take approximately 5-7 working days. 

In Poland it is called “spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością” and abbreviates to sp. z o.o.

Yes, you will just need to grant a power of attorney to an attorney, who will register the company for you.

Polish Limited Liability Company (sp. z o.o). Almost 95% of newly registered companies are LLCs.