Frequently Asked Questions about Isle of Man company formation

An Isle of Man Limited Liability Company (LLC) is very popular with foreigners because they can own 100% of the company.

There is no required minimum authorized share capital.

No, the company formation process can be done remotely. 

It is not mandatory to have a physical office within the country but it is mandatory to have a registered business address. 

There is no requirement for a company secretary if a company was incorporated under 2006 Companies Act. However, all companies must have a registered agent.

Corporate tax standard rate is 0%.  

A 10% tax rate applies to companies conducting banking business in the Isle of Man and licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission, and companies conducting retail activities. Income from real property located in the Isle of Man is subject to 20% tax.

In the Isle of Man there is no obligations to prepare financial statements or conduct annual audits. However, it is still a requirement to file annual returns with the Financial Supervision Commission and maintain accounting records.

The Isle of Man accounting records these do not need to be filed and are not available for public inspection. Similarly, details of the beneficial owners of the company are not available to the public. 

If all the documents are in order the company incorporation process will take approximately 5 working days.