Frequently Asked Questions about Ireland company formation

The main benefit of forming a limited company is the protection provided by limited liability. This means if your business runs into financial trouble, your personal assets will not be at risk. Other benefits include enhanced credibility and tax efficiency.

A company limited by shares is the most popular type of limited company. ‘Limited by shares’ simply means the liability of the owners is limited to the nominal value of the shares issued by the company.

It usually takes 5 to 7 working days to form a company with FF Advisers Ltd, however, this is dependent on Company Registration office workload on the day.

1. A company name that is not currently registered at Company Registration Office. 

2. A physical Irish address to use as your registered office address. Our package include a registered office address service.

3. The details of all directors and shareholders, including full names, residential addresses, occupations, dates of birth and nationalities.

A limited company must issue at least one share. If there is more than one shareholder, it requires to issue at least one share per shareholder. It is often recommended to issue more than the minimum number of shares to avoid the need to issue more in the future.