Frequently Asked Questions about Bulgarian company formation

Limited Liability Company (OOD) – is one of the most popular choices for small and medium businesses. An LLC may be founded with one or more shareholders (individuals or companies) and managers (individuals). The lowest required founding capital of Limited Liability Company is 1 EUR.

Joint-stock company – This option is suitable for large companies that want to start business in Bulgaria. The company formation should have one or more registered shareholders (individuals or companies) and minimum three members of the board of directors. The minimum founding capital is 25.565 EUR.

It is OOD or EOOD. The abbreviation OOD stands for a limited liability company in Bulgarian. EOOD is transliterated and abbreviated into English in exactly the same way. EOOD stands for sole owned limited liability company.

Yes, foreigners can own shares in an OOD in Bulgaria. There are no restrictions imposed on foreigners in this respect. Single shareholder companies (EOOD) are also available to foreigners. 

OOD is a limited liability company consisting of two or more limited stakeholders.

EOOD is a limited liability commercial entity with only one (sole) limited stakeholder.  

1 EUR is the lowest required founding capital of a Limited Liability Company (OOD/EOOD). 

25,565 EUR is the minimum founding capital of a Joint-stock company. 

No, the company formation process can be done remotely. 

It is not mandatory to have a physical office within the country but it is mandatory to have a registered business address. 

Corporate income is subject to corporate income tax (CIT) at a flat rate of 10%.

If all the documents are in order the company incorporation process will take approximately 7 working days.