Frequently Asked Questions about Saint Vincent (SVG) company formation

To Incorporate the Company quickly we will be able to accept scanned copies of the certified Due Diligence Documents.

No, this can all be done online and via email.  Just fill out an online order form and you will have a dedicated accounts manager who will help you through the process.

Yes, when your company has been incorporated you will receive this via email and also a hard copy.

You may have nominee directors and shareholders. Directors and shareholders can be either corporate entities or people. 

You must apply for a Work Permit to conduct business in St Vincent and the Grenadines, and if you choose to live and work in St Vincent for longer than six months, you must also apply for a Residency Permit. You will have to present your certificate of incorporation as part of the application for your work permit. You must renew the Work Permit every year. 

An company registered in St Vincent and the Grenadines can enjoy full ownership by foreign owners. 

All corporations domiciled in St Vincent are not subject to withholding, income, capital gains, income or any other tax on income and assets for 25 years following incorporation. You will also benefit from the same 25-year exemption on Stamp Duties for share or property transactions. St Vincent also benefits from some of the strongest privacy laws across offshore jurisdictions and ensures your information does not get shared with a foreign tax authority. 

You can open an offshore bank account in St Vincent without any problem. Many people will merely set up an entity to hold the account.