Frequently Asked Questions about Cayman Islands company formation

After fulfilling the requirements of The Compliance. An exempted company is incorporated upon filing incorporation documents with the Registrar of Companies. A Certificate of Incorporation will be issued by the Registrar of Companies within 4-6 working days after filing.

The Cayman Islands has an edge in terms of industry perception. There is a wealth of experience among local professional firms. The maturity of the jurisdiction is such that you are guaranteed find the skill and know-how for most financial business operations.

For entities, certified copies of charter documents and registers (where applicable) are required. For individuals, identity certification, address proof and a reference letter from a recognized professional are required as following:

  • A KYC documents or utility bill can be certified by a lawyer, or notarized by Notary Public.
  • A recent English utility bill issued within the last 3 months or a bank statement are acceptable as address proof. If It's not in English, a certified translation will be required
  • A reference letter can be issued by a professional (such as a lawyer, a CPA, a banker) The referee must have known the person who is the subject of the reference for at least two (2) years.

No, it’s not required to have Caymanian directors or shareholders. Yes there can be corporate directors/shareholders.

The names and addresses of the directors and officers will be filed with the Registrar of Companies, but these details are not generally accessible by members of the public. They are not be available for public search (online or otherwise). The names of the shareholders of an exempted company are not required to be filed with the Registrar of Companies.

The Cayman Island operate an alternative tax regime. There is no income tax, company or corporation tax, inheritance tax, capital gains or gift tax in the Cayman Islands.

Annual returns should be filed yearly in the Cayman Islands.

However, there is no requirement for corporations to submit financial records when filing annual returns.

The usual authorized share capital is US$ 50000 with par value US$ 1. There is no minimum paid up required to set up the company.

The renewal date of Cayman Islands company is 31 December

The Cayman Islands have many kinds of business entities that can be incorporated. Two of the popular are the exempted company and limited liability company (LLC). LLC is a business entity form that won the attraction of investors and foreigners.

With the advantages of its characteristics that allow it in the Cayman Islands, LLC is the best choice for the clients who want to incorporate the company here.

The LLC in the Cayman Islands does not require a minimum capital investment. Moreover, its members are kept privately. Profits and distribution to shareholders along with stock exchange are not subject to tax for the company and shareholders.

Cayman does not have a tax deduction. However, at least one member for incorporating the Cayman Islands businesses is a mandatory requirement. The other members can be added more to the company during the operation.

Last but not least, the Board of Directors does not to be in this jurisdiction.

Although foreign companies do not need to pay corporate tax, they must pay an annual renewal fee for the Cayman company to maintain their operation. Paying an annual renewal fee for the company on time is necessary as it is not only to maintain the company and comply with local regulations. Paying renewal fees after the expiration date will cause many problems that can affect your operation.

According to The Cayman Islands regulations, business owners need to pay annual Company Renewal fees before 31st December.