Frequently Asked Questions about Belize company formation

An International Business Company or IBC as it is commonly called is a legal entity with limited liability that is normally used as an investment vehicle and is fully exempt from paying any form of tax in Belize.

Belize is a stable offshore jurisdiction. They have retained International Business Company (IBC) confidentiality provisions.

Belizean IBC’s can trade and maintain Bank accounts. An IBC is not required to file tax returns or any other type of report. The basis of Belize’s legal system is British Common Law.

By law all service providers/registered agents are required to obtain records and proper due diligence on all their clients. This information is not made public but is retained for the registered agent’s record and statutory responsibilities.

No, the prospective client/owner is only required to sign the formal IBC application forms. The actual incorporation documents will be signed by the initial subscriber represented by the registered agent.

A Shareholder is an individual or corporate body to which the name of shares are issued in or registered on behalf of another individual or entity. The Beneficial Owner on the other hand isn’t the holder but the actual owner of the shares of the company held.

No information pertaining to the identity of directors & shareholders is filed in any public register in Belize. As a licensed registered agent, we ensure privacy for our law-abiding clients. The only thing that must be filed with our IBC Registry is the name of the Registered Agent and the Memorandum and Articles.