Frequently Asked Questions about Uzbekistan company formation

Limited Liability Company is one of the most common legal forms of performing a business in the Republic of Uzbekistan. LLC can be created both by individual, as well as legal persons, both by citizens of Uzbekistan, as well as citizens of other countries. Founders/shareholders are not liable for LLC obligations and bear the risk of losses related to the company’s activities within the value of their shares.

Yes, there are no restrictions imposed on foreigners in this respect. Moreover, Uzbekistan is one of the easiest places in the world to start a company. 

The amount of the authorized capital of LLC is not limited, it can be determined by the founders/shareholders of the company, or in accordance with the licensing requirements. Shares can be formed in the form of cash as well as in the form of property.

The company formation process can be done remotely with the power of attorney granted to a local representative. For bank account opening visit will be required.

It is mandatory to have a registered business address within the country. 

Corporate income is subject to corporate income tax (CIT) at a rate of 5-15%.

5% — Dividend tax for residents (local entities and local individuals)

10% — Dividend tax for non-residents (foreign legal entities and foreign individuals)

If all the documents are in order the company incorporation process will take approximately 5 working days.