Frequently Asked Questions about Mauritius company formation

An Authorised company should have a minimum of one director who can be either resident or non-resident of Mauritius. Corporate directorship is also allowed. 

Unlike a Global Business Company, an Authorised Company is NOT obliged to appoint local directors.

it is required that the Authorised Company's majority of shares and beneficial interest are held and controlled by a person or a group of people who are not Mauritian citizens. A company should have a minimum of one director; corporate shareholders are also permissible. 

International Business Companies are required to appoint the local Registered Agent in Mauritius. Registered agent is a management company licensed in accordance with the Financial Services Act. It carries out all the necessary due diligence checks, prepares all the necessary documents and submits the application for the setting up of your Authorised Company to the Financial Services Commission of Mauritius. 

The incorporation process typically takes around 5-7 working days if all required documents are in order. 

Company records are not publicly accessible in Mauritius. 

There is no specific minimum share capital requirement for an Authorised Company. Recommend minimum is $1,000.