Deltec Bank

Account opening: 7-14 working days


Headquartered in The Bahamas, Deltec is an independent financial services group that delivers bespoke solutions to meet their clients’ unique needs.

The Bahamas has been an independent nation since 1973 and is one of the oldest, most stable democracies in the Western Hemisphere, with more than 280 years of uninterrupted parliamentary democracy. Conveniently located in the same time zone as New York and Miami, The Bahamas is an ideal location for investment and business.

Headquartered in The Bahamas, Deltec is an independent financial services group that delivers bespoke solutions to meet clients’ unique needs. The Deltec group of companies includes Deltec Bank & Trust Limited, Deltec Fund Services Limited and Deltec Investment Advisers Limited, Deltec Securities Ltd. and Long Cay Captive Management.


  • A tax neutral platform – with no income, estate, inheritance or capital gains tax, and no restrictions on the repatriation of funds
  • No forced heirship laws for domiciled assets
  • Highest ranking nation for civil liberties and political rights by the World Bank
  • Home to approximately one third of the world’s top 100 banks – and easily accessible to international financing and global capital markets

Payment processing options:

MasterCard, Visa

Rates and Charges

Clients are expected to maintain a minimum of USD 300,000 (or equivalent) in investments and/or cash with Deltec. Minimum fees apply for all accounts (exceptions could apply for clients with more than one account)

  • Bank may change its tariffs at any time thus please visit bank’s website or contact us in order to receive updates, on specific charges or fees please contact us or bank.
  • Bank may additionally charge for any other supplementary services.
  • Above listed fees or any other additional fees, charges or commissions that may be required by bank are not part of our professional fees for assistance of opening a bank account.

The bank offers range of services and products

  • Personalised account service
  • Savings & term deposits
  • International wire transfers
  • Treasury& Foreign Exchange services
  • Card services
  • Trading services 
  • Online banking


Please provide us with the following documents:

Each Beneficial owner, shareholder, director, authorised signatory and secretary must provide

  • Filled out, printed and signed copies of the bank application forms
  • Notarized KYC documents (with a photo and signature).
  • Notarized copy of the utility bill or original bank account statement to confirm the residential address.
  • Optional: CV

Note: This document must be less than 2 months old by the time the registration package is submitted and must be translated into English and notarized.


A Bundle of certified and apostilled documents:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Minutes of First Meeting
  • Share Certificates
  • Memorandum and Articles of Associations
  • Documents that approves the designation of company’s directors and secretary (if applicable)
  • Declaration of Trust
  • Agreement for Nominee Provision Services (if applicable)
  • Document address of the registered office
  • Optional: Valid License (if applicable)

If director or shareholder is a legal person (corporate officer)

A Bundle of certified and apostilled documents:

  • Copy of corporate documents (Certificate of Incorporation, Articles of Association, etc.)
  • Copy of company register (that must consist of Shareholders, Directors and Secretary)
  • Certificate of Incumbency
  • Certificate of Good Standing


  • Passport must have signature of holder and it must be identical to one in the application form.
  • Please also ensure that photo is clear.
  • If signature is located other than on the page where is photo and details of person, then please provide additional copy of that particular page.
  • If documents are not in English language, then they must be accompanied by a notarized translation.
  • Any shortcomings in application forms may cause delay affect the bank account opening time.
  • The list of required documents is indicative documents checklist and additional documents may be requested by the bank.

Assistance in Bank Account Opening with Deltec Bank


€ 6000

Assistance in Bank Account Opening with Deltec Bank

  • Done within 7-14 working days
  • Card Services: MasterCard, Visa
  • Savings & term deposits
  • International wire transfers
  • Dedicated support (24/7)

Leave us your contact and we will get back to you the soonest!
